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Follow God to The End

Genesis 50: 15-26

Introduction: Even as Joseph nears the end of his life in these verses, he continues to display a remarkable faith in his God. It is that faith and confidence that I want to examine for a while today.

There are few mobile people upon earth, very few truly noble persons. But Joseph was one. He was a most excellent person, not only in the eyes of men but in the eyes of God. And it is the eyes of God that eliminates so many from the rank of true nobility. A person can be of noble blood and rule with the nobility of the earth, but he may be a scoundrel in the eyes of God and in his true value to society. We all know leaders of government and society who should be the most noble persons upon earth, yet they fall ever so short of true nobility.

Joseph was a noble person; he lived a life of nobility. In fact, he is ranked among the most noble by God Himself. He is listed in God’s great Hall of Fame in Hebrews, Chapter Eleven. But there is reason why Joseph lived such a noble Life; there is reason why he always be admired, especially by the believers of the earth: Joseph committed himself to God, committed himself to live a righteous life and to follow the promise of God. And Joseph followed God to the very end of his life. Once he made his commitment to God, he never wavered nor slipped back. He stuck it out to the very end.

As Joseph approaches the end of his earthly life, I want you to see some steps Joseph took that demonstrated his absolute confidence in the providence of God. These steps leave us no doubt that Joseph understood that God was in absolute control of every event in his life. I want to preach on Follow God to The End.



V. 15-19

After the death of Jacob, the brothers of Joseph were worried. They remembered all the terrible things they did to Joseph years ago. They remembered how they hated him. They remembered how they sold him as a slave. They remembered how they covered up his disappearance with the lie that he was dead. They remembered these things and many others, and they are afraid. They are sure that now that their father is dead, Joseph will seek revenge against them.

So, they come up with a plan. They sent someone to Joseph with a message. They want him to believe that Jacob left word for him to forgive his brothers before he died. When Joseph hears their words, he weeps.

It was never in Joseph’s heart to hold their past over their heads. He had forgiven them for their transgressions a long time ago. As Joseph nears the end of his life, he can look back with a clear conscience.

We have no record that he harmed no one. And we have no record that he held a grudge against anyone. In fact, he reminds his brothers that he is not in the place of God. In other words, it is God’s place to judge, not his. That is a good way to die. One day, we will all leave this world. Are you prepared to leave it with a clean conscience toward others?



v. 20-21

God overrules man’s evil and uses it for good (v. 20). Joseph declared that God had overruled their evil and worked it out for good. We can rest assure of one thing, as we pass through this life, we can count on the fact that every valley and every victory is a part of His perfect plan for us and that He will use them all for out good and for His glory! That is His Promise. Remember, no matter what takes place in life, Follow God To The End! Romans 8:28



v. 22-26

Joseph hung on to the great promises of God even as he faced death v. 24. Joseph declared the deliverance of Israel from Egypt; land that they would inherit the promised land. Joseph demanded an oath from Israel; That they carry his bones back to the promised land.

Joseph left this world clinging to the great promise of a mighty God. He left here knowing that death was not the end, but that there was a better future down the road. Joseph died when he was 110 years old.

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