May 5, 2024
Sunday Sermon
God's Model For His Church
Acts 2:41-47
The modern church is powerless. Lost people come into our churches and there is little to no conviction.
In many cases, the people in the pews are not so different from the lost people in the world around them.
Church members give little attention to prayer, daily worship and devotion, and personal holiness.
As a result, when we gather for our meetings, they are often lifeless, powerless, and lacking in the manifest presence and power of God.
Lost people come into our churches and see no difference between us and them.
The church today is doing everything in its power to make itself more attractive to the lost world.
We lower our standards, water down our sermons, adopt a more modern style of music, and do all we can to make church attractive to the lost.
It should not be that way!
When the world steps into the church, they ought to feel as though they have entered an alien world..
The way we talk, the way we dress, the way we worship, the way we preach, should all leave them with the impression that we are different.
Please don't misunderstand me today.
The way we dress when we go to church does not add to or diminish our power with God. However, the way we dress when we go to church does reveal how much we respect God and His house.
The kind of music we choose will not add to or diminish the power of God in the church. Our choice of any music style should be based in a desire to worship and magnify the Lord, and not from a desire to attract the world.
The way we preach is determined by a lot of factors. No two preachers deliver the message the same way. We must never water down our doctrine, or change the Gospel to make it more appealing to the world.
If we are going to impact this world for the glory of God, we won't do it through our music, or through the subtle changes we make to attract the world.
If we are going to impact our generation, we will only do so through the power of God's Spirit. His touch must be on our singing, our preaching, and our church.
We need divine power, if we are going to make a difference. We can sing hymns, Gospel songs, or praise Him, and none of it matters unless it has the breath of God on it.
I am very interested in GTBC being the right kind of church. I am interested in having the kind of church that is as close as possible to the type of church God founded on the day of Pentecost
To understand the kind of church in the book of Acts was, we need only look at the verses we have read today. This passage reveals God's Model For His Church. Let's look at some of the traits of God's church.
I. Has The Right Message vv.22-40
A. About The Savior - This message affirms that Jesus is God in the flesh v.
22. it affirms His crucifixion and His resurrection v. 23-32. The church God
founded preaches a message that exalts Jesus, proclaims His death and
resurrection and points lost people to Him alone!
B. About Sin v.23, 36 - This message is crystal clear regarding sin. It exposes
the terrible nature of sin. It warns sinners to "Save yourselves from this
untoward (corrupt) generation" v. 40. it is a plain message that confronts
sinners where they live v. 23.
C. About Salvation v. 38-40 - This church points a lost world to Jesus Christ
to Him alone. Peter said, "Repent and be baptized". The results:
forgiveness & receiving of the Holy Spirit. The church preaches salvation
through Jesus. It does not preach salvation through religion or ritual.
D. About Sovereignty v. 39 - This church understands and proclaims that God
is sovereign in salvation. He saved whom He will, when He will and where
He will. God is Author and Finisher of salvation. He calls His elect. He
redeems his elect.
1. Has The Right Message
II. Has The Right Membership
A. A Saved Membership v. 37, 40-41 - This church is made up of people who
have had a "new birth" experience with Jesus Christ. "The people were
convicted & cried out, "What shall we do". Tares will slip in, but we
should strive for a saved membership.
B. A Separated Membership v. 42 - This church walked in "the apostles
doctrine and fellowship". They broke off ties with the old life. They came
to Jesus and they were changed. No truly redeemed child of God will
have a problem with biblical standards of separation and holiness.
C. A Steadfast Membership v. 42 - They were faithful! They could be
counted on to be in their place, doing their part for the common good and
for the glory of God! God expects His people to be faithful.
D. A Serving Membership v. 44-45 - This church was marked by selflessness.
The members cared about the needs of others and they did all they could
to meet those needs. They displayed their love, not in words, but in
1. Has The Right Message
2. Has The Right Membership
III. Has The Right Methodology
A. They Worshiped Together v. 42, 46-47 - This church met together for
prayer, for instruction in the Word of God and for worship. Their
common goal was to grow in their faith and to praise the Lord.
B. They Worked Together v. 44-45 - They worked to benefit the group. God
has not called us to sit by and do nothing. He has called us to go to work,
and to work together, for the glory of God.
C. They Walked Together v. 42, 46 - This church enjoyed "fellowship", and
singleness of heart. They had good Christian fellowship. Few things
contribute to the unity of a church like the members coming together to
serve the Lord as a family. We are on the same team. We are serving
the same master! We are headed to the same Heaven! Surely, we can
walk together as we make the trip there.
D. They Witnessed Together v. 47 - This church was not ashamed of their
message, but they all worked to spread it to a lost world. The Lord still
desires that His people share His message with the lost.
1. Has The Right Message
2. Has The Right Membership
3. Has The Right Methodology
IV. Has The Right Master
A. He Is Powerful 41, 43, 47 - This church was the right kind of people
carrying out the right kind of ministry. Thus, they enjoyed the power of
God in their midst. He "added" to their number daily. God manifested
His power through "wonders and signs" . The people feared and
respected the church.
B. He Is Personal v. 47 - This church didn't worship small God Who was
unknowable. They worshiped a Lord Who had personally redeemed them
from their sins. They were in a personal relationship with Him. They
loved their only Master. It should be the same today.
Conclusion: I challenge you to pray for GTBC and to work together as a family to ensure that this church lines up perfectly with the model God designed.
We have a good church. It's filled with good people, people I love, but let us get closer and closer to Jesus.
Yes, I see in all our lives much room for improvement.
If the Lord is speaking to you, you need to come to Him.
If nothing else, you should pray for your church today!
Responsive Reading: Acts 2:37-47