October 2, 2022
Sermon Series: Believers Are To Sow The Gospel Seed
Sermon # 9
Acts 2:36-42
Today we will talk about something that is so wonderful – and yet misunderstood. It’s wonderful that we have it, the world needs it, we can help them get it, and we are not the ones that gave it. HOW SALVATION WORKS! It is misunderstood because there are many out there who think that you can lose it. Salvation! A true Christian cannot lose their salvation according to: Ephesians 1:13-14, When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession---to the praise of his glory. Nothing can separate a child from God’s hand (Romans 8:38-30). There is eternal security in every true Christian (John 10:28), “No one can snatch or pluck them out of my Father’s hand.”
Salvation is the great theme of the Bible. The Gospel message is plain and simple: God saves sinners. Not only is this the greatest news the world has ever heard – it is the bedrock of Christian faith.
You see, man doesn’t need more money. Man doesn’t need more things. Man doesn’t need better health or longer life. What man needs is to be saved! He needs to be in a right relationship with God.
In this passage, Peter makes it crystal clear what a person must do to be saved. He explains in detail how a person can be saved. Simon Peter tells us in very clear terms how anyone can come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Let’s examine “How Salvation Works.”
The people were convicted and cried out, “What shall we do?” (v. 37). Peter’s sermon, the proclaimed Word, was driven home to the hearts of the people. The word “pricked” means to convict, sting, sense pain and hurt.
Conviction is an emotional movement of the heart. A person senses sorrow over disappointing God. The person’s heart is touched and moved to some degree of brokenness. Conviction is being pricked with a tug, a pull, a knowledge, an awareness.
Ø It is a sense of sin, of doing wrong, of breaking God’s law, of being disobedient.
Ø It is a sense of failure, of coming short, of not measuring up, of disappointing God.
Ø It is a sense of needing more and more of the Lord and His righteousness.
So, what is conviction? It is God, Himself, taking whatever steps are
necessary to convince you that His claims concerning Jesus are true.
Conversion involves changing the mind (v. 38a). Peter tells them to “repent”.
Repentance is “a change of mind that results in a change of action.”
Conversion involves confessing the master (v. 38b). Peter, calls on these people to be “baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.” Peter is not telling them that baptism will wash all their sins away and save them. He is telling them that openly identifying themselves with Jesus Christ through baptism in His name will give public testimony to the fact that they have receive the message of the Gospel. I am sure most of you know that baptism doesn’t save.
Conversion involves claiming the message (v. 39-41). The Bible tells us that they “gladly received his word.” The people accepted the Gospel message and openly identified themselves with Jesus Christ.
1. They continue in sound doctrine – That is, they lived by the Word of God.
2. They continue in strong fellowship – That is, there was a new love for the brothers and sisters, and a desire to be with them.
3. They continue in simple worship – When the Bible refers to “the breaking of bread”, It is speaking of the gathering of the saints at the Lord’s table for worship and to observe communion. It is talking about the gathering together of the saints for worship.
4. They continue in steadfast prayer – These people took time to get in the presence of the Lord on a personal level.
Our continuation in the things that matter to Him is a good sign that we are His!
Responsive Reading: Acts 2:37-47