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December 19, 2021

Christmas Sermon


Luke 2:21-38

Introduction: Christmas will be this coming Saturday. You have bought presents for your loved ones. Big meals will be eaten along with family fellowship. As soon as Christmas is over, you will forget about the gifts and presents and start preparing for the next Christmas. The tree and decorations will come down and Christmas will be gone for another year.

Or will it? The fact is, Christmas really has nothing to do with the things I mentioned a moment ago. Christmas can go on 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. It can go on if we allow Jesus to be the central Figure of Christmas.

When Jesus was 8 days old, He was circumcised, as prescribed by the Law, Lev. 12:3. After 40 days, Mary has reached the end of her purification period, Lev. 12:1-4. In these verses, Now are they allowed to go to the Lord’s house with Jesus to be redeemed. What a thought: The Redeemer had to be redeemed!

While they were there, a special event occurred. Two old saints of God, Simeon, and Anna, were in the Temple. They were there because the Holy Ghost has led them there. They were part of a faithful Jewish remnant that was looking for the appearing of the Messiah. When they met Jesus that day, even though He was a 40-day old infant, they were overjoyed and begin to lift praises to the Lord.

Today, I want you to investigate these verses and consider this subject: JESUS IS BEING PRAISED. These verses can teach us about the substance of praise. Along with me, I want you to think about JESUS IS BEING PRAISED.



(When Simeon enters the Temple and takes Jesus into his arms, the old man declares for all to hear the reasons for his joy. In his speech, Simeon gives us a three-fold motive for praising the Lord that is just as valid today as it was then.)

A. Praised because of Who appeared v. 26-30 – The name “Simeon” means “He who hears.” And, apparently, this man had been hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit, v.26. He had been told that he would not die until He had seen Christ, the Jewish Messiah, and the Savior of the world for himself. When Simeon sees Jesus, he is notified by the Spirit that this is Him and Simeon begins to praise the Lord because of Who had entered the world.

Let me tell you Who this baby they named Jesus was and Who He still is:

Ø He is God in human flesh

Ø He is the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world

Ø He is the only Savior of sinners and the only Way to God

B. Praised Because of Why He arrived v. 30-32 – As Simeon praises God the Father for the Baby Jesus, he tells us a little bit about why Jesus came in this world.

1. Jesus is salvation

2. Jesus prepared for all people

3. Jesus is a light to unbelievers

4. Jesus is glory to believers

C. Praised Because of What He Would Accomplish v. 34-35 – Simeon continues his praise by offering a prophecy of what Jesus would accomplish in His life. The phrase “fall and rising again of many in Israel” refers to Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesy, Psa. 118:22; Isa 8:14. To those who reject Him, He is a stone of stumbling. Those who receive Him will be raised up.

The bottom line of all this is that Jesus Christ entered this world to provide salvation for the lost.



(As we see Simeon and Anna magnify the name of the Lord, we can learn a lesson about how we should be praising Him in these days. A lot of what is passed off as praise now days is nothing more than a show in the flesh. There is a biblical way to offer the sacrifice of praise and these two aged people show us how to do it right!

A. The praise was vocal v. 28 – Simeon didn’t just see Jesus and rejoice in the heart. He opened his mouth and lifted his voice in praise of the Lord Jesus Christ. He did not keep what he felt bottled up on the inside; he let it out to the glory of the Lord.

B. The praise was visible v. 28 – Simeon involved the entire person in the act of praise. He reached out, lifted the Baby, Jesus, held Him high and praised the Lord. He was not embarrassed to praise His Redeemer vocally and visibly.

C. The praise was verbal v. 38 – Then Anna enters the arena of praise. She blends her voice with that of Simeon, but she adds an additional element. While Simeon lifted his hands, his heart, and his voice to the Lord; Anna praises the Lord, but she also tells others about what the Lord is doing. Her praise was vocal, visible, and verbal.

The Scripture suggests that Simeon and Anna were old and not young. They didn’t let age hinder their praise of Jesus Christ. People are too sophisticated, too refined, and too afraid of what others might think of them to be involved in vocal, visible, and verbal praise to the Lord. But Brothers and Sisters, let me tell you, God still likes it, and He still expects it from His people!

Listen to what the Bible says about this matter:

Ø Vocal praise

· Psalm 47:1, “O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.”

· Psalm 98:4

· Psalm 135:1

· Hebrews 13:15

Seems to me that vocal praise is in order. How about you?

Ø Visible Praise

· Psalm 63:4, “Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.”

· Psalm 134:2

· 2 Samuel 6:14

Seems to me that He also likes visible praise.

Verbal praise

· Psalm 51:13, “Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.”

· Psalm 107:2

· Mark 5:19-20

I get the feeling that the Lord loves it when His children brag on Him to a sin sick society!



(As the name of the Lord was praise publicly, three precious movements took place that day. By the way, the same three movements still happen today when God’s people take the time to praise Him for Who he is, what He has done, what He is doing and what he has promised to do!)

A. The Sovereign was exalted v. 28, 38 – It brought glory to God when He was praised in the temple. Even today, when the Lord is praised and exalted in His church and in the world, He is lifted.

B. The Saints were edified v. 33 – Mary and Joseph hear these praises and they are given hope and encouragement by the praises of these precious saints of God. By the way, it still helps the Lord’s people when they hear others praising His name! Sometimes, I might not be in the spirit of praise, but when I see one of my brothers or sisters in Jesus praise His name, it connects with my heart, and I be edified.

C. The Sinners were evangelized v. 38 – The Bible tells us that Anna went out and told others about this Baby she had seen. The Bible says that “she spake of Him!” Because Anna was verbal in her praise, lost sinners heard where they could find Jesus too!

Is there a need? Jesus can meet it. Come to Him right now!

Responsive Reading: Luke 2:21-38

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