November 20, 2022
Sunday Sermon
Psalm 103:1-22
Thankfulness is usually associated with getting something. You get something and you express your appreciation for it.
But the principle that God wants us to understand is that thankfulness is a lifestyle. Not only thankful for what you get, but grateful for all that has already been done to you. Grateful in those moment when all hell seems to break out in our lives.
Some young people today seem to be ungrateful. You give them something, please and thank you seems like words they never heard of. It carries up to adults also. We have all seen people who were very ungrateful for things that were done for them and things given to them.
They almost approach life with an entitlement mentality. Like everyone owes them.
You heard the story about the little boy that hollered at his mother … give me an orange. The mother hands the little boy an orange and says in a sweet voice – what do you say? Peel it!
This Psalm was written by David. It was probably written when he was an older man. It contains the language of a man who has experienced the serious consequences of sin and the awesome forgiveness and pardon of Almighty God.
As David surveys God’s goodness in this Psalm, let’s spend a little time in this “mountaintop of praise” as I preach about Thanksgiving Focus.
· David seeks to stir up his inner man to praise the Lord. Perhaps he is in a spiritual slump. Perhaps his praise isn’t as vocal or as frequent as it should be. So, he challenges his “soul” to “bless the Lord”. A request for thanksgiving.
· The word “bless” means “to kneel before another in praise and adoration.” It is a call for the soul to praise Him for all His goodness, who is a worthy God.
· In America today, we have a drought of praise among the people of God. There is a slump in our praise today! Stop holding back, and give YAHWEH WORTHY PRAISE!
· We need to stir up our own souls, and give The ALMIGHTY GOD WORTHY PRAISE!
· David blessed the LORD for His goodness to His people. He admonishes himself never to forget God’s benefit---all of the blessings God bestows in His dealings with us.
· The word “forget” refers to “a lapse of memory that can cause one to wander”. When we forget what we have in Jesus and who we are in Jesus, there is the danger of wandering away. Praise keeps us tender, clean, and close.
· Thankfulness is not an option, it is a command! 1 Thes. 5:18; Eph. 5:20; Heb. 13:5
David lists eight spiritual reasons that God, in His lavish goodness, freely gives us:
Ø Forgiveness of our sins v. 3a
Ø Healing of our diseases v. 3b
Ø Redemption of our lives from destruction, death, or the pit----a picture of our enslaving sin and its deadly consequences v. 4a
Ø Lovingkindness---His steadfast, unfailing love v. 4b
Ø Compassion or tender mercies----excessive acts of love with which the LORD crowns us because we are His royal sons and daughters v. 4c
Ø Satisfaction of our desires, especially our spiritual longings v. 5a
Ø Physical and spiritual renewal, like restored strength the eagle receives when it sheds its old feathers in the molting process v. 5b
Ø God’s Sovereignty – He is YAHWEH, we can rest in His control of all things! v. 19
As David closes this Psalm, he calls for universal praise to
Responsive Reading: Psalm 103:1-22