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The Power to Change Your Life

August 20, 2023



Sermon # 8: The Power to Change Your Life

Romans 6:1-4

Is it possible to live a victorious Christian life, to be free from the power of sin? Do we have the power to change our lives? Look deep inside your own heart and ask yourself this question: Is there anything----any sin, any bad habit, any vice---that you have found impossible to shake off? The truth is, many have given in and surrendered to the power of some sin in their lives.

How can anyone live a holy life when the world’s pleasures, bright lights, and passions are so attractive and stimulating? Too many believers give up in the struggle against sin when victory is close to becoming a reality.

The believer who is justified, whose faith is counted as righteousness, has the power to change their life. A genuinely saved person cannot abuse the mercy of God.

Do you have a habit you would like to break, an attitude you would like to change, or would you like to become a better person? You have the power to change your life! Let’s look into these words of Paul as we talk about The Power to Change Your Life.


A. An argument or disagreement in verse 1 – As is Paul’s manner, He anticipates the arguments of his readers and deals with them up front. The argument or disagreement is based upon 5:20. In that passage, we are told that in the presence of much sin, there is much more grace. You remember the analogy of the sinner being crushed under a great pile of sin, but in Jesus, that same sinner is made to stand upon HIGH MOUNTAIN of grace!

The argument or disagreement in verse one says, “Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more kindness and forgiveness (NLT)? Sadly, this is the thinking of far too many Christians. Many Christians know they are saved, and that their salvation is eternal. They know they are eternally secure, so they live far below God’s standards, knowing they can repent at any time. Brothers and sisters, this is a very dangerous way to live your life. If you have this mindset:

1. You have never really been saved. (You are hell bound)

2. You don’t care what your life says about Jesus. (You stand to face the chastisement of God)

B. An answer v. 2 – Paul’s answer is the answer of righteous indignation (anger): “God forbid”!” Away with such a thought! Far be it that we ever think such a thing, especially as believers. The believer’s position in Christ shows the utter impossibility of a true believer’s continuing in sin. The word “continue” means practice or to habitually yield to sin. A true believer no longer practices sin and no longer lives to sin. A true believer is dead to sin, and a dead person cannot do anything: he cannot think, speak, or move. How can a dead man live any longer in sin? It is utterly impossible! It is totally against nature! Positionally, the true believer has died to self and has been placed into Christ to live for Him.

In other words, God isn’t going to do it for you! You have to be actively involved in accepting the fact that you have died to sin, and therefore, you are no longer in bondage to sin, Rom. 6:14)


There are many people who profess to be Christians in order to get their “fire insurance.” Wanting to escape the eternal flames of hell, they make a profession of Christ, but they still live for themselves instead of living for God. These people have no trouble justifying:

· Telling ‘little white lies’

· Stealing items from the office for personal use

· Focusing on the world and its pleasures instead of God and His treasures

And why not? If grace is free, we can have the best of both worlds…or can we?

There is an old legend about a man who lived his life looking out for “#1” –himself. Having lived for pleasure the majority of his life, he began to take note of some loose ends. “Eternally,” he thought to himself. “I need to make sure that when judgment day comes, I’ll be on the right side.” His thinking was that by joining a church and getting his name on the roll, he would secure his ‘fire insurance.’

A few months later he died and found himself in a poorly lit waiting room that reeked of sulfur. “I always thought heaven would be a little bit nicer than this” he mumbled. “This must be a holding room stuck between heaven and hell. It’s a good thing I’ve got my ‘fire insurance policy.’ ‘’

After a brief wait, the man was summoned inside a large room containing file cabinets, a long table, and a chair. A creature who breathed heavily asked for his insurance policy. “Here it is right here, “the man said confidently as he handed over his policy. Glancing at it the creature roared with delight, “Welcome to hell! We’ve been waiting for you.” The man was shocked, “What are you saying? I just gave you my fire insurance policy!” The creature held up the document and pointed to the bottom. “Look, your fire insurance policy was paid for by Jesus Christ but never signed by you! You just failed to follow through! This paper is worthless…and now, so are you.”

What are you placing your confidence in---your way or God’s way? You cannot have it both ways.

The power to change your life.

1. We must accept the reality of our passing v. 1-2


A. A placement v. 3 – First, when we received Jesus, we were baptized into Him, as a result, we were baptized into His death. The believer has been immersed or placed into Jesus Christ. This is the first thing the believer should know about his or her position in Christ.

What Paul is telling us is that when we got saved, we were placed into the body of Christ. Church, we are in Christ this morning,

B. A participation v. 4a – Paul goes on to tell us that when we were placed in Jesus, also we were place into His death! Very Literally, when Jesus died on the cross, all those who have their faith in Him died also.

When a person truly honors God’s Son by trusting Him, God honors that person by spiritually placing him or her into the death of Christ!

The power to change your life.

1. We must accept the reality of our passing

2. We must accept the reality of our position


(Potential = ability or capability)

A. A comparison v. 4b – Not only did we die with Jesus on the cross, but when he rose from the dead, we rose also! When Jesus died on the cross, we died in Him. When he rose from the dead, we were in Him then and we rose also! Just as we were in Adam when He sinned in the Garden of Eden, so too, we were in Jesus when He died and rose from the dead. Just as we participated in His death, so too, we participate in His life.

Because He died, we are dead to sin, because he lives, we are alive to God and to the things of God!

B. A commission – We have received a command from the Lord, in this verse, to walk in the newness of life. It involves walking in a whole new life. The word “walk” means to walk about, to walk step by step, to control and order our behavior, to constantly, and habitually walk in “newness of life.” Here is how that is possible.

1. We have received a New Nature – Eph. 4:24

2. We have been made a New Creature – 2 Cor. 5:17

3. We are a New Man – Col. 1:1-10

The power to change your life.

1. We must accept the reality of our passing v. 1-2

2. We must accept the reality of our position v. 3-4a

3. We must accept the reality of our potential v. 4b

Responsive Reading: Romans 6:1-10

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