December 11, 2022
Christmas Sermon
Isaiah 7:14
The LORD always comes through even when it seems that we have run to the end of the road and sees no way out of the predicament in which we find ourselves, both as individuals and as a nation. He has let us go our merry way throughout the course of history, with the consequences to follow. Our sins, foolishness, rebellion, pride, and reprobate behaviors have brought us down to levels lower than dirt, yet when we repent and turn our lives over to Him, He is always there to restore us, to reprimand us, and to pick us up off of the ground if we will swallow our egos and realize that His ways are always the best.
When we read the Scriptures, it always seems that God’s chosen people Israel, go through cycles of devotion to drifting away, and yet one would think that with all the troubles they had as a consequence of chasing after foreign gods and putting up with less than noble kings, they would have learned their lessons long ago. And do what is commanded of them, and that was to be a witness to the rest of the world, that God and God alone the One who controlled all events in both material and spiritual matters. He is the Author of our salvation, and no one else.
The prophet Isaiah was used by God to deliver the most significant prophecy in all of history that His people may have Hope even in dark times. Isaiah is considered one of the greatest men of God in the ancient world, a counselor to kings and a writer whose Holy Spirit-inspired Old Testament book is quoted more often in the New Testament then any other, except Psalms. When our Lord Jesus preached His very first sermon in Luke 4:18, “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD (NKJV).” Jesus chose for His text a passage from Isaiah’s writings 61:1. Isaiah is unique among all the prophets.
Isaiah had to grapple with the trouble times that confronted him in chapter 7. The relationship between Israel in the north and Judah in the south had been fractious since the division of the kingdom in the time of Jeroboam. Judah’s strength had grown under Uzziah, and (Israel) her northern neighbors had every reason to fear a potentially hostile power on the southern border
In the midst of threats and challenges, the message of Isaiah 7 is for us to trust God, and know that His promises, provision, and peace are sure. The sign in the coming of Immanuel, God with us, is proof that God stands by His promises, provision, and peace! Isaiah 7 is a message of hope. Let’s look at three principles.
A. After creation came the fall and then the promise of redemption Gen. 3;15
1. The promise is of a redeemer
2. Satan head was to be bruised (crushed) at the cross
3. Jesus’ heel will be bruised (causes Him to suffer)
B. What did the promise of redemption involve?
1. God’s love would cause Him to provide a Savior for sinners
2. God’s grace would bring salvation to those who don’t deserve it
C. The virgin birth would announce the coming of the Redeemer v. 14
A. The promise of redemption called for a Savior
B. This savior was to be born of a virgin v. 14
1. Consider the creation of Adam and Eve
2. All people since that time came by procreation
3. The virgin birth stands alone: a special miracle and sign
C. Miracles are no problem to God; He specializes in them
D. The virgin birth says God is big enough to solve all our problems
E. Gabriel answered Mary, “With God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37
A. The virgin-born One was to be called “Immanuel”
1. The meaning of the name is “God with us”
2. Man, separated from God, is to be united with Him
B. This virgin-born Savior would redeem us at the cross
C. “Peace, good will toward men” would be the message of Christ’s birth Luke 2:14
D. We have peace with God through faith in this virgin-born Savior Rom. 5:1
E. Personal peace comes through full surrender to Him Phil. 4:5-7 peace on earth will come when Christ returns to reign Isa. 9:6-7
Responsive Reading: Matthew 1:18-25