April 14, 2024
Sermon Series: Remain Devoted and Faithful to The End
Book: 2 Timothy
2 Timothy 4:1-8
We are coming to the conclusion of Sermon Series: REMAIN DEVOTED AND FAITHFUL TO THE END. Coming to the final words in the final letter of the Apostle Paul. There is something profound about such final words. When one comes to the end of their earthly life…. They see what really matters. All the pretense (falsification, charade) is stripped away. To the degree that life has been a show, and the show is over. At the conclusion of Paul’s life, he provides clarity about what really matters.
In our last lesson, we learned how to stay ready for God to use. How long should we stay ready? Until the finish! How can we do this? In this passage of Scripture, Paul knows that his young Spiritual son (Timothy) will often have times of opposition and discouragement. In this passage, Paul gives three requirements for finishing well.
Preach the Word—for the eyes of God and Christ watch you. Paul emphasizes the importance and seriousness of these words by writing: I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ (v. 1a). This is similar to having a present-day notary witness the signing of a legal document to verify its authenticity. The “notaries” for these words are God and Jesus Christ.
Christ shall judge the living and the dead.
Christ shall appear- Paul reminds Timothy of Christ’s appearing, or the Second Coming, which will lead to the establishment of his kingdom (v. 1b).
Preach the Word—for that is what God says is to be preached (v. 2a). The word translated preach means “to proclaim” what has been divinely spoken.
Be instant in season, out of season. Paul exhorts Timothy to be instant (Prepared), to preach in season and out of season (v. 2b). In other words, Paul is to preach God’s Word when it is popular and when it is not.
There is an old saying, “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one.
3. We must also make the most of every opportunity to share God’s Word for three basics purposes (v. 2c):
Reprove – “to convince of a fault”.
Rebuke – “to convict of guilt”.
Exhort – “to comfort or encourage”.
Reproving, rebuking, and exhorting must also be done with all longsuffering (2d), which means patiently, not in anger or harshness.
Preach the Word for the great apostasy is coming (v. 3).
People will reject – sound doctrine.
They will turn away from sound doctrine because they do not want to hear the truth. They will have itching ears, refers to people who want to hear bizarre doctrines or who desire the spectacular.
Preach the Word—for you must complete and fulfill your ministry.
The believer must be watchful in all things. To keep a clear mind. To stay cool, calm, and collected.
The believer is to “endure afflictions.” By responding in love.
The believer is to do the work of an evangelist. He or she is to seek to win souls in all that he or she does.
The believer is to complete and fulfill his or her ministry. Fill it to the brim. You are to carry your ministry out to the end.
His death – Paul is saying that his life is being offered and sanctified to God in one last act – the act of death (v. 6)
Paul knows he will not leave prison alive. The word translated departure describes a ship taking up anchor and putting out to sea. To Paul, his own death is but a time when the ship of his life will take up anchor and sail to his final port.
To depart is the picture of the unyoking of an animal from the burden of the cart or plow and set free to depart.
His testimony – Paul writes,
I have fought a good fight (v. 7a). Every word of that statement is true.
I have finished my course (v. 7b). Like an Olympic marathon runner, Paul has finished his lifelong race.
I have the faith (v. 7c). He kept it, preached it, lived it, and now he will die by it.
Paul looked at the present and the past, and now he looks to the future by writing: Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness (v. 8a). The phrase laid up for me means it is safely stored and carefully guarded.
All Christians who truly love Jesus long for His appearing, which is the Second Coming. Therefore, they live righteously and will receive the appropriate crown, or reward.
Responsive Reading: 2 timothy 4:1-8