February 18, 2024
Sermon Series: Remain Devoted And Faithful To The End
Book: 2 Timothy
2 Timothy 2:8-13
Who controls Nature? Is it some arbitrary(random) force often personified as “Nature”, or is it climate change (if you are desperately seeking an answer), or is it some random series of happenings. It is none of these. The One who crested the entire universe is the One who has His hand on every aspect of it. (John 1:3, All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.) Every Christian knows and believes that God is the Creator.
There was a hurricane, named Jasper, that produced torrential rain throughout Northern Queensland, with five-day totals of 2,166 mm (85.3 in.) reported at Black Mountain and 2,025 mm (79.7 in) at Myola, both near the town of Kuranda, making Jasper the wettest tropical cyclone in Australia.
The water damage was immense. Highways had sections just washed out, completely gone, by the raging torrents of waters, and sections of ranges were collapsed bringing large boulders and orange debris down over the roads. There is much more and you can see that if you search “flooding in far North Queensland”.
It is at times like the Hurricane Jasper, we have a whole mix of emotions, and it is the same for all of us, Christians and non-Christian. It is the same in any crisis or tragedy. People are called upon sometimes to face awful tragedies from medical diagnoses to receiving news of a family member being killed in a car accident. Returning home to find your house has been burglarized or running from your home because it is being engulfed by fire. I know the list is endless and people suffer much.
Christian and non-Christian might be equal for tragedy, but the understanding and support are different. We can put it this way. The Christian is like an oyster that is fastened to a rock, but the non-Christian is like a jellyfish that just passes by because there is no stability to which it can anchor itself. That Rock of course that Christians are anchored to, is the Lord Jesus Christ who is our Rock of support.
Being a Christian sometimes produces problems. Until Jesus returns, if we take our faith seriously, we will have problems. That’s why Jesus said, In the world ye shall have tribulation, or big-time problems (John 16:33b). However, we can find peace in our problems by remembering four actions.
A. Whenever it is difficult to live the Christian life because of problems, the first thing to do is Remember…Jesus Christ (v. 8a). Specifically, remember He was raised from the dead (v. 8c), which proves his deity---He is God. We do not serve a book or a dead person. We worship and serve a Savior who is risen from the dead. This means we are to remember the Person we serve is alive.
B. Jesus the Messiah was man. In His humanity, Jesus was of the seed od David (v. 8b). This means He was fully human and knows about our problems and suffering by experience. On His mother’s side He was human, and on His Father’s side He is Divine.
C. Because Jesus was human as well as divine, he understands the problems of living in this fallen world.
However, we can find peace in our problems by remembering:
1. The Person We Serve v. 8a-c
A. The Gospel carries you through suffering. Paul has more than his share of problems. He is suffering in prison for preaching the Gospel about Jesus. He is being punished as an evil doer, even unto bonds (v. 8d-9b). He is in a humiliating situation because he is being treated like a criminal---a thief or murderer.
B. The Gospel assures the victory of your purpose: The spreading of God’s Word. Paul isn’t discouraged because he knows the power of God’s Word and writes: but the word of God is not bound (v. 9c). Paul knows God’s Word cannot be chained or imprisoned. In fact, Paul’s imprisonment resulted in his writing several of his epistles. God’s Word still spreads and changes lives, despite opposition and persecution.
Regardless of the circumstances, God’s Word will always accomplish its intended purpose.
However, we can find peace in our problems by remembering:
1. The Person We Serve v. 8a-c
2. The Power of God’s Word v. 8d-9
A. Why was Paul willing to endure such suffering and humiliation? He tells us: Therefore, I endure all things for the elect’s sake (v. 10a). The word translated elect’s (ek-lek-tos) means “chosen” and refers to all those who will yet believe in Christ. The purpose of enduring tough situations is that people may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus (v. 10b). Paul hungered for people to hear the Gospel so that they could be saved. This, too, must be our purpose and objective in life. We, too, must proclaim the Gospel—no matter the suffering and sacrifice. We must hang in there to the end.
B. God sometimes allows us to be in “prison.” It may not be a prison of bars and locks, but it is a prison just the same. It may be a problem relationship, a hostile work environment, a financial difficulty, a health problem, etc. Because we are in prison, we will endure, to proclaim the Word of salvation!
However, we can find peace in our problems by remembering:
1. The Person We Serve v. 8a-c
2. The Power of God’s Word v. 8d-9
3. The Purpose of Your Problems v. 10
A. For if I be dead with him, we shall also live with him (v. 11). This refers to our death to sin and our old way of living and the new life we have with Christ.
B. If we suffer, we shall also reign with him (v. 12a). Faithfully enduring severe problems gives evidence we truly belong to Christ.
C. If we deny him, he also will deny us (v. 12b). The word deny refers to permanently disowning, or rejecting, Christ.
D. If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful (v. 13a). When our faith grows weak or even fails, God remains true to His promise to save us through Christ.
E. This is because he cannot deny himself (v. 13c), which means God will not renege on His promise to condemn those who deny Him nor on His promise to remain faithful to those who temporarily believe not.
We can find peace in our problem by remembering four actions:
1. The Person We Serve v. 8a-c
2. The Power of God’s Word v. 8d-9
3. The Purpose of Our Problems v. 10
4. The Promise to The Faithful and Faithless v. 11-13
Responsive Reading: 2 Timothy 2:8-13