November 6, 2022
Sermon Series: Believers Are To Sow The Gospel Seed
Sermon # 14
John 4:1-26
Anybody recognize the name Elizabeth Taylor? She was an English-born American Actress who passed away at the age of 79? She was a movie star during what would be called the Golden Era of Hollywood when all the great movies were made. She won several Academy Awards including for Best Actress in the movie Butterfield 8. She probably was best known for her role as Cleopatra costarring with Richard Burton. This would have been 1963. Elizabeth Taylor was obviously known for the movies she made, but she also was known for her beauty. She was a beautiful woman with violet eyes and because of that she was also known for her love life. She had a number of husbands. Somebody said eight, but it is actually seven because she married one guy twice, Richard Burton.
We are going to meet a lady today who gives Liz Taylor a run for her money, not in regards to movies made, but in regards to husbands had. Jesus will offer this Samaritan woman living water, and she showed an intriguing interest. However, there were some matters that she had to straighten out before she could ever have the living water. There was the matter of sin in her life, of worship, of the Messiah, and of laboring for God. Therefore, Jesus began to discuss these subjects with her one by on.
I will preach on the subject; How Jesus Walked!
(He seeks You)
A. “He must needs go through Samaria” v. 4
B. This was not the usual route for a Jew to take
1. The Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans
2. He went out of His way to meet a troubled woman
3. When people learn we care, they see we are different
4. “Though I speak with tongues of men and of angels and have not charity (love) 1 Cor. 13:1
a. Loving people opens many opportunities to witness
b. We can minister to those whom God places in our way
5. God places needy people in our way when He knows we care
(He Draws You)
A. “Give me to drink” v. 7
B. This was a conversation opener that would lead to her salvation
C. Find a conversation opener that works for you
1. Speak of something you and others have in common
2. Meet others in their comfort
D. Bringing water into the conversation met her on common ground
1. This woman had come to draw water….it was on her mind
2. “Water” was a means to tell her of living water
3. Reminding her of thirst enabled Jesus to help her see her need
4. The woman questioned Jesus in verse 9
a. She was shocked that Jesus talked with her
b. She questioned racial prejudice
5. Living water is alive in verse 10
a. Is “of God”
b. Is “the gift” of God
c. Is given by asking for it
E. How long has it been since you told someone about Jesus?
(He Confronts You)
A. “Go, call thy husband” v. 16 (Jesus reaches her hurting place)
B. She had thought herself too sinful for salvation
1. She would find He knew all about her and loved her still
2. Many think they are too guilty for grace
3. The ground level is at the cross; all can come to the sinless Savior
C. Jesus avoided a religious argument v. 20-26
Jesus points out to the Samaritan woman that the real issue isn’t where we worship but how we worship.
D. God is interested in holy people…. not holy places
Responsive Reading: John 4:1-26