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Writer's picturePastor Henry L. Allen, Sr


November 13, 2022

Sermon Series: Believers Are To Sow The Gospel Seed

Sermon # 15

The Great Physician Is Here

John 5:1-9

William Hunter, a Methodist minister, wrote these words in a hymn.

The great Physician now is near

The sympathizing Jesus;

He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,

Oh! Hear the voice of Jesus.

Sweetest note in seraph song,

Sweetest Name on mortal tongue;

Sweetest carol ever sung,

Jesus, blessed Jesus.

Your many sins are forgiv’n

Oh! Hear the voice of Jesus.

Go on your way in peace to heav’n,

And wear a crown with Jesus.

Health has changed in the last 5o years very much. Seldom did one go to a hospital, and doctors in rural areas made house calls. Doctors were mostly in general practice, and they would make the rounds in the area. They would put a sign on the door that said, “The doctor is out.” A person needing to see the doctor would wait or go away disappointed. The other side of the sign, “The doctor is in.” Today, we can give thanks that our Great Physician, is in. He is available to help you right now---no waiting, since He is here available to assist any and all who need Him. You don’t have to go away disappointed today.

John’s Gospel is different from the others in that his primary goal is not to give men a historical treatment of the life of Jesus. John’s purpose is to exalt the person of Jesus so that men believe on Him and be saved, John 20:30-31. In order to elevate Jesus to the proper level, John presents Jesus in a new way in every chapter of his book. In these verses, Jesus is presented to us as The Great Physician.

I. A SICK MAN v. 1-5

A. His wretched condition v. 5

1. He is a disabled man. The man’s plight. He was either paralyzed or lame; he had been that way for thirty-eight long years.

What a picture of the sinner who is lost and separated from God by his sins.

B. He is a desperate man - Any time a person being an invalid, and dragging himself to this pool, showing desperation.

C. He is a disappointed man v. 7 – The man was helpless:

1. He had no family to help him

2. He had no friends to help him

In this scenario, the man needed a Savior! You can not have total dependency on people. You need The Great Physician!

The people around him couldn’t help him, because they needed they Needed The Great Physician themselves.

1. The Sick Man


(This is a portrait of Jesus demonstrating compassion)

A. He is shown choosing the sinner – It was Jesus who initiated the relationship.

What a picture of Jesus and His work in salvation. Jesus reaches out to all of us in love and calls us unto Himself.

B. He is shown caring for the sinner – He saw the man lying there, and new all about his desperate condition.

C. He is shown coming to the sinner – he approached the man and reached out to help him.

1. A sick man

2. A sympathetic man


A. There is the offer – “Wilt thou be made whole” – Do you want to be healed?

Even today Jesus comes to the lost sinner and makes an offer of salvation.

B. There is an order – Jesus commanded the man to act. In the act the man was to show his faith. If he believed, he would arise and walk. If he did not believe, he would simply continue to lie there and continue on just as he had always done.

When the call comes to the sinner lost in his sins, the only necessary response is faith!

C. There is an outpouring – When the man responded by faith, he was healed immediately and was able to walk.

No one has to continue on and on through life just as he or she has always been, enslaved to the sin and corruption and desperate needs of the world. A person can experience the healing power of Jesus Christ, the power to change his or her life. The power to make you into a new person. One simple thing you have to do: believe the Word of Jesus Christ enough to obey, doing exactly what Jesus says.

Jesus Christ has the power to take any life that is broken and ruined by sin and make it over again.


1. A sick man

2. A sympathetic Messiah

3. A striking miracle

Responsive Reading: John 5:1-9

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